OK, I’m actually sat in Peter Pan Travel in Brisbane to book those bus trips. The wait’s about half an hour so they just said to jump online for a while. Bwahaaha! Wonder if I can hack their machines as easily as the ones in Brisbane central library…
Anyway, I’ve been dishing the web page address around a bit recently so I’d like to say a few “hello”s to some random people. I apologise as I won’t remember many (any) names. Don’t take this personally – I’m just rubbish with names.
So hello to:
- the Thai girl I talked to on the train from the Gold Coast on Saturday – thank you for your advice on places to visit in Thailand! I’ll be back there in March, I think
- the Canadian girl I got talking to in Borders – hope you enjoy NZ!
- Nikkie’s kids – enjoy the photos, and don’t assume the only place to visit when you’re old enough is Bali!
- the Brisbane Roar supporters on the train the other day – good luck for the rest of the season!
- anyone else I’ve forgotten – drop me an email (link to the right)!