I was up pretty early this morning as Gosia wanted to show me around the town one last time before I hopped on the bus to Krakow and she was driven to Prague for her flight home. We wandered around the allotments and to where her grandfather taught her to sledge!
The bus trip was a good few hours and I arrived in Krakow a little late, though not too bad. I think it was around 9pm. The hostel was very easy to find and I got checked in and assaulted the lovely Ania with a gazillion questions before popping out for a wander and to locate food.
Krakow is a lovely city and to see it for the first time after darkness has fallen makes it all the more magical. Imagine Prague, but less grandeur and more fairy tale. There are also a lot less tourists (so far – I can see that changing) so even the main square is just pleasantly busy rather than jammed. I walked for well over an hour before settling on a stupidly cheap and stupidly large burger which I somehow managed to eat without dropping it all over the pavement.
The bottle shops are open 24 hours, so I picked up a variety of Polish beers (at around 50p for 0.5l) to try out back at the hostel. Ania had gone home for the evening and another girl was working – we ended up chatting away until around four in the morning! Unfortunately the room to my dorm creaked something rotten, but I don’t think I woke anyone up.