Fwooosh! Boom!

The early rise was to get to Chris and Lyds’ (again) early enough to lug some bags of clothes and the like down to the car before I had to set off in time to get to Lightwater Valley and meet Viv and a handful of kids.

With Chris’ help, I managed to sort some stuff out. I’d had clothing scattered over 6 loactions up till now. New Zealand (can’t access), Cardiff (collected), Perth (gone through), Kim’s loft (picked up) and Chris & Lyd’s place (currently being searched). I had been looking for my winter stuff for the trip to Chamonix. Gloves, scarves, hats – you know. Believe it or not, I found these. In the very last bag. In the very last geographical location. Sod’s law with a vengeance.

We hoiked the stuff into the back of my mum’s Clio and I made my way north towards Ripon and then to the theme park. Lightwater Valley is like a small person’s version of Alton Towers. The rides are OK, but they’re just not on the scale of those at the Midlands-based park. Still, it’s a nice place to wander round and it does have a very cosy pub where Viv and I spent quite some time just chilling out and escaping from the kids. When weren’t chowing down on doughnuts and meat pies, anyway.

The reason for the visit was predominantly the fireworks display that kicked off at around 6:30. It really is getting dark early these days! not a bad display, either, with some fireworks I don’t recall seeing before. Neat.

Up the A1 then across to Billingham where Viv attempted to poison me with home-brewed win she’d had for almost a year. Sadly, her plan failed… when it turned out to be pretty damn nice! I got to see Match of the Day on the telly before turning in.

Sunday was a complete chill-out. I hogged the internet, got some work done and was very well fed! Thank you, Viv! Again!

One thought on “Fwooosh! Boom!

  1. Pingback: » More flipping fireworks Goodbye UK, Hello World!: The organisation (or lack of) and details of my near-as-darnit worldwide “tour”. Kicking off in February 2006, and ending…. when I get back! WordPress

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