Bye-bye Leah!

Enough time for a swift breakfast and Leah was into a taxi bound for the airport. Tears were shed (mainly Leah’s – I’m cold-hearted and mean) as she departed and I sat down to while the rest of the day away typing all this nonsense up for you lot. I chatted to a few people passing through the common room and watched Ong Bak and Hancock on pirate DVD as I worked.

Brunch consisted of a double Big Mac (large meal) and some pineapple. Later in the evening I walked round the market with an Aussie chap and we stopped for dinner in a Greek restaurant with some pretty good food. They either served me the wrong main course, or charged me for the wrong one, but they also forgot to bill me for one of my beers to the price worked out right. Either way, the food was pretty decent and I wasn’t out of pocket so I wasn’t complaining.

On the way back to the hostel, we were chatting about Oz and diving when two girls in front of us turned and apologised for earwigging, but one of them was heading back to Darwin in a couple of days and did she hear me say that there was good diving there? Me being me, I gave her a business card, told her to check the blog, recommended a hostel and told her to seek out a dive shop that could take her into the harbour. I’m nice like that.

And then back to the common room to the joys of my laptop, loads of typing and a bad back. All for you. Now send me some money.

Zemanta Pixie

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