I’ve managed to locate the Myanmar embassy in Phnom Penh which I’ll need to get a visa (or find out it’s too much bureacuracy to bother). For those interested, it’s on Norodom Boulevard – the same road as the Singaporean Embassy which is listed in the Lonely Planet. The Myanmar one is further north at number 181.
On the downside, I can’t get on to the Cambodian e-visa website as it appears to have vanished. Awkward as I need to update them as to my arrival time.
Checking on wikitravel. org I found there’s a bus direct to Trat from Suvarnabhumi Airport, which saves me 150 baht and an hour’s ride into the city. Handy. I also think I’ll stay on the Thai side of the border for a night or so and perhaps visit Ko Chang – by all accounts a beautiful little island.
In the meantime, I’ve been about as English as possible while staying with Andy. Watching football news on TV; roast beef and Yorkshires for dinner last night, beans on toast for lunch today; pub quiz and barmaid-learing at The Goldhawk until closing time… yeah, get it all out of the system before I head back out to Asia tomorrow!
because barmaid-leering is an exclusively UK-only activity, of course…
We invented pubs, therefore we have the best barmaids. Though the one in Copenhagen the other day wasn’t at all bad.
I remember bar maid leering in Talinn that was particularly good. In an Irish theme pub owned by an Englishman from what I recall. I also hear Ko Chang is very nice.
I will have to start taking pictures of all the bar staff I eye up, then. Maybe we could have a poll.
I might do a night on Ko Chang, or just hire a bike and circle it in a day. Checked diving prices and it’s gone up from around 2000 Baht last year to around 3000 this. Add the crappy exchange rates to that… Ow.
Still, not that bad. Hmm.