In the airport

Another airport post, this one from Darwin International Airport. I’m heading to Cairns, have 6 hours to wait until my 3am check-in and have free wi-fi. Annoyingly, I only have an hour’s battery left on my laptop and none of the plug sockets seem to work here. Grr.

Once more as I move from city to city I have to send out an enormous “THANK YOU”. This time to Katie, Ben and Toni who housed me, fed me and drove me all over the shop even at stupid times of the day and night. Guys, really – thank you.

Oh, and also a hearty “congratulations and good luck” to Katie and Ben who today moved into their new house together. I helped Ben shift the boxes, and it was the least I could do after their awesome hospitality. I’m sure they’ll have a great time in their new pad with the insane Scrappy-dog to keep them company.

Not a lot else to write. I moved stuff, I got tired and sweaty, we ate good food and Katie dropped me at the airport. All good!

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