A fair few of you will have had this one by email, but I’m popping it on here partly to test the Picasa software I’ve downloaded. It’s probably the pick of the bunch from my first visit to the temple with Lou last week.
I’m going to upload a larger selection of the rest over the next day or two, seeing as I now have more spare time than I was expecting. I’ll announce them on here with a link to the relevent gallery. Given the time and freedom I had, especially around the back of the canyon area, I’ve got some fantastic shots of the cubs and adults playing in the water.
Of course, I’d have loved to spend another three days going mad with the camera, but it was not to be!
wow crazy hugh kitties!!!!
I’ve passed your blog URL to a bunch of friends – they’re all DEEPLY envious 😀
Hehe – my keycode to be able to post comments for this is “fckmom”. That sounds like the kind of web sites I should be ignoring…
More pics of kitties will be posted tomorrow as I have no plans for the day, so should have plenty of time to get them sorted.
look forward to seeing the kitties – I feel all left out as youdid not send them to me originally – you b’stard – even though I did tell you how to get them off your memory card. Sheesh – I see… be like that :o)