Pretty much slap bang in the middle of Australia, now that you ask. It’s surrounded by four deserts: Simpson, Tanami, Great Sandy (what a name) and Great Victoria (which couldn’t be further away from Victoria unless it took a holiday abroad).
My hostel for 2 nights now and one night when I get back from Uluru is Malankas. More information on this place on the Accommodation Page.
I spent the day wandering around the shops and loafing by the pool with a couple of people from my tour group, one of whom I know I’m on a bus with tomorrow. Others are on various other buses, or departed this morning on trips with different companies. Alice Springs has approximately nothing worth taking photos of. Yeah, there’s a nice signpost pointing to various cities in front of the church, but it’s hardly noteworthy. Alice itself is just a town. It’s somewhere people go when they want to visit somewhere else, and it seems to know it.
Final task was to catch a film as it was “specials” day at the cinema so the tickets were only $10. We went to see Saw III (Luke also caught Jackass 2) and it was, in honesty, a little disappointing. But it used up a couple of hours and I’m now about to head for bed. It’s half 11 in the evening, I’ve been awake since not long after 5am, and I have a 5:45am wakeup. I just hope the kids racing their cars up and down the street outside bugger off soon, or I may be forced to visit Mr Tyre with my friend Mr Slashy Knife.