Putting more miles on the car

So where have I been for the last few days? After returning to Scotland with my fully-working teeth, I had two days to get through some paperwork before heading south again.

On Friday, I stopped off to see Simon the dentist again – this time to give him a cheque for the check-up last week. By the time we’d gone for lunch, the receptionists had all left so I couldn’t pay. Further down the road, I saw Sharon for an hour or so. Again, lovely to catch up with a good friend for a natter and a cuppa.

I made it to Kim’s in Bradford eventually, courtesy of rush-hour traffic. Well, if Sharon will be such good company that she makes me stay an hour longer than I intended… I nabbed the keys off her and popped round to Chris and Lyds’ again, to grab some stuff fro the loft which I delivered to Vee. We had a quick drink in her local then I left her recovering from a doozy of a cold with her parents before zipping round to see Caz.

She’d just waved bye-bye to her boyfriend, who was renting a commercial pickup and had to get a flight to Sweden that morning- which was her excuse for the countless pizza boxes lying around! We chilled and watched telly for a while, then I zonked out in the spare room. Very comfy bed!

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